How to request a review?
In my module, in the Seetings tab, at the bottom of the page, in the section END SCREEN, I can request a review:

I check the box Request a review, thus activating the section "Your review" followed by the stars that will appear on the end of module screen.

NB: This option cannot be used for a SCORM or standalone export. Asking for review will only give you statistics for a Publication link, an embedding link or a publication on your K.Live channel.

I check the box Request a review, thus activating the section "Your review" followed by the stars that will appear on the end of module screen.

NB: This option cannot be used for a SCORM or standalone export. Asking for review will only give you statistics for a Publication link, an embedding link or a publication on your K.Live channel.
Updated on: 17/04/2023
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