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Share my media

Share my media

In your media details, you have the option of sharing your media.
This feature allows you to facilitate collaborative educational design with other members (creators, administrators) of your organisation.

You have two options:
Share your media with all the members of your organisation
Share your media with one or more specific people

Here's everything you need to know in this tutorial (English subtitles) 👇

Share my media with my organisation

When you go to your media details, click on the Share button to open the menu.
To share your media with your organisation, you will need to activate the button on the corresponding line.

You can then set the permissions for sharing.
View: allows the organisation to view the media in read-only mode. No changes can be made and it will not be possible to download it.
Edit: allows the organisation to download and modify the media via K.Pixel (creating new media).

Once you have saved the changes, you will now see these icons displayed on the summary of your module to indicate that your media is shared with your organisation.

Share my media with a user in my organisation

In the menu for sharing your media, leave the button on your organisation's line unchecked and focus instead on the Users category. Here you can define the user or users who will have access to your media.

You can also decide to combine the two options to grant specific rights to certain users. For example, you can share your media in read-only mode with your entire organisation ("View" option) and give editing rights ("Edit" option) to one or more people with whom you work on the project.

You will find the same permissions as for the Organisation category:
View*: allows the user to view the media in read-only mode. No changes can be made and it will not be possible to download it.
Edit*: allows the user to download and modify the media via K.Pixel (creating new media).

Once you have saved the changes, you will now see these icons displayed on the summary of your media to indicate that your module is shared with one or more users in your organisation.

Multiple media selection and sharing

From the list of your media, you can select several to share with your organisation and/or certain users.

The same sharing menu as in media editing will then appear, with one difference. If the sharing rights are different from one selected media to another, "Mixed" will appear in the rights of your selection. This will disappear if you set the same rights for all the selected media.

Take a look at our video demonstration to see how to share your media!

Updated on: 05/08/2024

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