Articles on: K.Live

Create learner groups on K.Live

K.Live is Kumullus' secure broadcasting platform, where you can share playlists with groups of learners. You need an Advanced license and the K.Live option to share your modules on K.Live.

Create learner groups on K.Live

To create your learner groups, click on the logo of your organization at the top left of your page, or on the name of your organization at the top right of your page.

Then go to the Groups tab.

A list of existing groups is displayed, along with an Add Group button.

Click on the latter to set the group name and add members, before Saving.

Your learner group is created!

To enable the group to view the content of one of your playlists, go to the K.Live tab and click on the three small dots at the top right of one of them.

To find out how to add learners to a group or share a playlist, see the article Add learners to a group.

Updated on: 11/03/2024

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