K.Air product info - December 1st 2023

K.Air product info - December 1st 2023

This week, we're bringing you new improvments in default content!

Define the default language for a module

When you create a new module, a window now opens so that you can define the default language for the content of your module.
The default elements (Feedback, end screen messages, etc.) then appear in the selected language.

Add a default logo to an organisation

The logo set in your organization's settings now appears by default on the introduction screen for your newly created modules.

"Setting up your introduction screen" help page update

In the settings of your module, you can now hide text informations from the introduction screen: title, duration, chapters, etc. to create your own custom layout.

That's all for this news, see you soon on K.Air!

Updated on: 05/01/2024

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