Organization statistics
Organization stats
On the organization settings page, the administrator can access the "Stats" tab.
There are 3 categories of stats concerning the use of K.Air:
1. Activity
Here you will find your connection stats. The connection time in hours and the number of connections appear on a graph according to the granularity (day or week) and the dates selected.
You can also filter the categories that appear below the graph by clicking on them to delete them or display them again.

2. Modules
A general overview of module stats appears first, with :
the number of modules created in your organization
a graph showing the distribution of module types (linear or branched)
a graph showing how modules are shared (private or public)
a graph showing the languages used
the average number of chapters per module
the average number of hotspots per chapter

More detailed data is then available, such as the elements created. Here you can see how many modules, chapters and hotspots have been created.
As with your organization's activity, you can filter the categories that appear below the graph by clicking on them to delete them or display them again.

Finally, you'll find a graph showing the SCORM exports that have been carried out, with the same functionality in terms of filters or display by period.

3. Media
As with the Modules category, more general information appears first, including the number of gibibytes used, the type of media imported (videos, images, audio, subtitles, fonts) and whether the media is shared (public or private).

You can then find out the storage space used in mebibytes according to the dates and granularity selected.

As a reminder, only your organization's administrator can access these stats.
Updated on: 21/06/2024
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