Creating an audio overlay with or without recording
An audio overlay is the ability to place an audio track over an image or video in one of your Kumullus interactive video chapters. This overlay can be created using an existing .mp3 file or by making a recording directly on your creation interface in the K.Air authoring tool. The overlay can be accompanied (or not) by its own visual elements. On the one hand, you can illustrate your overlay with an illustration and a dynamic wave as followsSome readersHow to add clickable button over your video
While creating your training modules, you need to add a call to action to redirect the learner to a specific web page? Good news, our BUTTON OVERLAY feature will allow you to add a clickable button over your videos! But how do you do it? Where can you find the button overlay on K.Air? What do the different buttons look like? That's what we will see together in this video!Some readersHow to create a "text" overlay
In your chapter, in the OVERLAYS section, you click on "text". You then click on the pen on the right to enter your text. You can change the color of the text as well as the background color. You can also select the text formatting and the font. Once you have entered your text, you can then position it on the video by clicking on the four small arrows.Some readersPlace my image or text overlay in the right place at the right time
In the chapter, you go to the OVERLAYS section, you click on "image" or "text" and you create your image or text overlay. Then, you click on the 4 little arrows at the top right. This highlights the overlay in the edit screen and you can now: Choose where you want to place your overlay on the screen: you can move it directly on the video Decide when you want the incrustation to appear and disappear: you can see two arrows on the timeline that you can move to the right or to thFew readersCreate an image overlay
In your chapter, in the OVERLAY section, you click on "image". Then you click on "add from library" to choose the image you want in your media library. You can modify your image with the K.Pixel, otherwise you can click on "use media". Once you have created your image overlay, you can position it on the video by clicking on the four small arrows. To learn more about the positioning of overlays, you can consult this article ( readers