What is an interactive hotspot?
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Interactive activity hotspot
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Interactive "content" hotspots
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Interactive "APPS" hotspots
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Interactive "games" hotspots
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Weight your questions
You can weight your questions by giving them a different number of points. In the example above, we decide to give 2 points to the first question. The result will be displayed in percentage for my learners. This option "Weight your questions" can also be useful if you want to test knowledge at the beginning of the module or introduce a concept via a quiz without wanting to penPopularAdd multiple questions to a quiz
In a quiz, you want to ask a series of questions one after the other. To do this in the chapter, after clicking on the pencil of my Quiz hotspot, you click on + ADD QUESTION next to Question 1 : To delete a question, you simply click on the cross X next to the question. Don't forget to SAVE before closing the pop-up. You can also Weight your questions and Randomize (https://help.kumullusPopularShow and set the end of quiz screen
If you want to show a end of quiz screen, you have to go to the "Settings" of your quiz, then you have to click on "Activity" and then check Display an end screen. Once you checked Display an end screen you can check: "Show score" so that the score of the learner appears "Show a button to start over" to give them the opportunity to try again the quiz, and also "Hide thePopularRandomize my quiz questions
In the case of a quiz with multiple questions, I can decide to randomize the questions that will be displayed. By default, nothing is checked so the software asks all the questions in order. To randomize the questions, I go to the "Settings" of my quiz, then I click on "Activity", I check the option "Random questions" and I decide how many questions I want to be asked randomly.Some readersEnable automatic opening of my hotspot
For each hotspot, you can decide to let the learner choose whether or not to open interactive content. This is the default target configuration. Alternatively, you can activate the automatic opening of hotspots, which can be set individually for each hotspot. So, if the learner doesn't click on the hotspot when it appears on the screen, the hotspot will still open when the hourglass runs out. To do this, check "Auto-opening" in your target settings (click on the gear in the top right-hand coSome readersCreate a "Quiz" hotspot
In my chapter, in the INTERACTIVE HOTSPOTS section, I choose the Quiz. The Quiz allows you to ask a question with a choice of up to 5 answers. I fill in my question. To "dress up" the question, I can place an image next to the question in the section Add from the library. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/9331abaad8f53000/d28ffd0e-2e2b-4bd4-a05bSome readersSet up a "360° Panorama" hotspot
I add a 360° image hotspot to my module. In my chapter, in the list of interactive hotspots, I select the "360° Panorama hotspot": With this hotspot, I can propose to my learners to see a 360° image. Settings: I check that the button selected at the top is "image". Then, I select my 360° image in mSome readersHow to create a mixed hotspot?
In the following interactive module, learn about mixed hotspots and how to configure them. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask us in the chat, we will be happy to answer them!Some readersCreate an "Image" hotspot
In the section INTERACTIVE HOTSPOTS, I select IMAGES : I click on Add from library and I select a file already in my library or I add a new one, in .png or .jpeg format. If I want to add more images, I click on "add slide" : this way, my images will follow each other. Don't forget to save your hotspot. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/6cd1eb32c6ece00Some readersCreate a hotspot with a file to download
In the section INTERACTIVE HOTSPOTS you select File to download : Then you decide which file you want to have in your hotspot by clicking on Add from library and selecting a PDF file already in your library, or by clicking on Upload to upload a new PDF fSome readersCreate a hotspot with a video file
In the section INTERACTIVE HOTSPOTS, you select Video : You click on "Add from library" and you select your video or you load a video, always in .mp4 format. You can choose "auto close" so that the popup with your video closes automatically when the video has been fully played by your learners. You can also add subtitles, either from your library or either by clicking onFew readersShow or not a button to restart an activity
You can decide to "show a button to start over" on the activity end screen by checking the box in the target settings, then in the "Activity" tab. This way, your learners who have not reached 100% will be able to click on "Retry" to retry the activity (note that this is an incentive, not a requirement). (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/6cd1eb32c6ece00/capture-dFew readersSet up feedback at the end of an activity
By default, a feedback message appears when your learner has completed an activity. To set up this message and modify it, go to the settings of your activity, then to "Activity". You can modify the message, but also add one or more level(s) in order to personalize the feedback according to your learner's score. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/6cd1eb32c6ece0Few readersCreate a "link" hotspot
Need to redirect your learners to a specific web page? Use the link hotspot! Go to the list of interactive hotspots to choose the "link" hotspot. A pop-up window opens, and you can add the link to the web page you want your learners to visit. Here, for example, we want to redirect our learners to the Kumullus website. You can choose to "Show all content": in the case that thFew readersChange the icon of your hotspot
Change your hotspot icon? Nothing could be simpler! Hover your mouse over your interactive target to see the little editing pencil and click on it. Choose your new icon from your media library. Good to know: we recommend using an image with the following dimensions: 500 x 500 px.Few readersCreate a game hotspot
How can you challenge your learners in an original way? How can you reward them for good results? Or how can you gamify your training courses? Use our game hotspots! Discover the 7 games that have made their appearance on K.Air and what they challenge your learners to do: Klondike: the famous game of Solitaire: thinking on your feet. Flap Cat: the remake of the famous Flappy Bird game: synchronization, rhythm, endurance, focus Slice Fruit: the remake of the famous FruitFew readersChange the title of your hotspot
You can change the title of your hotspots by clicking on the title field to easily edit the title. Good to know: the title is displayed in two places in the player: when the mouse hovers over the hotspot and as the title of the popup that appears when certain hotspFew readersHow to create a Match cards activity?
Match cards is an educational activity in which the aim is to create pairs of cards using a drag-and-drop system: Card association activity preview When you create your activity, you'll have the option of proposing a maximum of 3 or 4 pairs. You can create pairs of images, text or both. Creator interface for card matching activity (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/websitFew readers